His real name Vlad Tepes (pronounced Tse-pesh). He was born around the month of December 1431 M on Castle Sighisoara, Transylvania, Romania. His father named Basarab (Vlad II), which is known as Vlad Dracul, because of his membership in the Order of the Dragon. In Romanian, "Dracul" means dragon.While the suffix "ulea" means "son of". Of the combined two words, Vlad Tepes Vlad Draculea called by name (in English read Dracula), which means son of the dragon.
Dracula's father was a military commander who is more often located on the battlefield rather than at home. Dracula practically only known figure of the mother, Cneajna, a nobleman of the kingdom of Moldavia. The mother is giving love and education for Dracula. But it is not sufficient to deal with tense situations in Wallachia at the time. The massacre has become a daily spectacle. A king who last night was still in power, in the morning his head was paraded around town by the rebels.
At the age of 11 years, Dracula along with his brother, Radu, was sent to Turkey.This is done in the father as a guarantee of loyalty to the Ottoman Turkish Caliphate that had helped him seize the throne of Wallachia from the hands of Janos Hunyadi. While in Turkey, these brothers converted to Islam, even those at the school for the school also learn the science of religion. Unlike his brother, who diligently studied, Dracula is often steal time to view the execution in the square.So much he saw the heads without bodies dipancang on the cutting edge. To the extent that one day there is no death penalty, then he immediately catch birds or mice, and then tortured him to death with a small spear.
With his Muslim status, Dracula had a chance to learn the military in Turkey's famous soldiers reliable in battle. In the short time he could master the art of the Turkish war, even more than other Turkish soldiers. This drew the attention of Sultan Muhammad II (in Europe called the Sultan Mehmed II). Until the year 1448 AD, following the death of my father and his older brother, Mircea, who was assassinated in a coup organized by Janos Hunyadi, the Ottoman Caliphate to send Dracula to snatch the cross from the hands of the Kingdom of Wallachia Honggaria. When the 17-year-old Dracula.
With the help of Turkey to seize the throne of Wallachia Dracula. After that, most of the troops returned to Turkey, leaving a small part in Wallachia. Without ever being suspected, Dracula apostasy and treason. He stated Khilafahan to secede from Turkey. The Turkish soldiers remained in Wallachia arrested. After several days locked in the basement, they were paraded naked to the place of execution in the suburbs. In this place the rest of the Turkish soldiers were executed by impaled. Ie, with pierced his rectum with a beam pointed at the arm, then planted in the middle of the field.
Two months later, Janos Hunyadi managed to seize the throne of Wallachia Dracula's hand. But in the years 1456 to 1462 returned to power in Wallachia Dracula. This time his reign was a time of terror that was terrible. Who are victims of sadistic acts not only Muslims who lived in Wallachia, but also the landlords and the people of Wallachia, who are Catholic.
On Easter Day in 1459, Dracula collects the nobles and landowners and their families at a church in a banquet. Once everything is finished eating, he ordered all the people who were arrested on the ground. The nobles who murder his father and brother were killed by impaled. The other being used as slaves building the fort for the benefit of emergency in the city Poenari, on the banks of the river Agres. Greek historian, Chalcondyles, estimate the total number of prisoners reached 300 families. Composed of men and women, old people, even children.
Dracula's actions against Muslims in Wallachia much more sadistic. During his reign, no less than 300 thousand Muslims slain. Here are some events that Dracula used as a venue for the massacre of Muslims:
Massacre of Turkish soldiers in the capital of Wallachia, Tirgoviste. This occurs at the beginning of his arrival there, after announcing his opposition to the Ottoman Caliphate.
The body of the forest Tersula
At 1456, Dracula burning alive 400 Turkish youth who are studying knowledge in Wallachia. They were rounded up and stripped, and paraded around the city that eventually enter into a hall. The hall was then burned with hundreds of Turkish youth in it.
More brutal action, is the burning of the farmers and the poor Muslim rule Wallachia at the coronation ceremony. The farmers and the poor are collected in a dinner in one room palace. Unconsciously they were locked from the outside, then the room was burned.
Dracula's revenge against Turkey and Islam is increasingly becoming. To welcome the anniversary of St. Petersburg. Bartholome, 1459, he ordered his troops to arrest the Turkish merchants in Wallachia. Within a month terkumpullah 30 thousand Turkish traders and their families. The traders who captured and herded into a field stripped impalement. Then they impaled one by one.
Other violent action is to spread a deadly disease virus into areas inhabited by Muslims. He also ordered his troops to poison the Danube River. This is a tactic to kill Dracula Ottoman Caliphate troops who built fortifications on the southern bank of the Danube.
At 1462 AD, the Ottoman Caliph, Muhammad II sent 60 thousand troops to capture Dracula dead or alive. Radu is a squad leader, the younger brother of Dracula. Knowing the plan of this attack, Dracula prepared to welcome the action terkejamnya Turkish troops.
A week before the attack, he ordered his troops to hunt down all remaining Muslims in the region. Terkumpullah 20 thousand Muslims of Turkish troops who were captured, farmers, and other people. For four days they were led by naked from Tirgoviste to the banks of the River Danube. Two days before the battle, the prisoners were impaled mass in a field. The corpses were then dragged into tersula riverbank. Then dipancang on the left and right road, which stretches as far as 10 miles to welcome the Turkish troops.
This horrible scene almost makes the Turks down mentally. But their spirits rose again when he saw the emperor so braved enemy. They kept surging forward, urged the troops to the Dracula Castle passed Tirgoviste Poenari.
Turkish forces led by Radu managed to besiege Fort Poenari. Feeling of urgency, Dracula's wife committed suicide by jumping off one of the towers of the castle.Dracula was Honggaria fled through a secret passage. Until the year 1475 AD Wallachia occupied by the Turkish Ottoman Khilafah, before being retaken by troops backed Dracula from Transylvania and Moldavia cross.
Dracula was killed in the battle against Turkish forces led Sultan Muhammad II in the shores of Lake Snagov, in December 1476. Dracula decapitated head, then brought to Constantinople to be shown to the people of Turkey. His body was buried at Snagov Monastery by the monks.
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