Insomnia is a symptom of sleep disorders in the form of recurring difficulties to sleepor maintaining sleep, although there is a chance for it. The symptoms are typicallyfollowed by functional impairment while awake. Symptoms of people who areinfected are people with insomnia have difficulty falling asleep or frequent waking at night and feel tired all day.
Types of Insomnia
Some types of insomnia include:
- Transient Insomnia
Duration of insomnia is only one or a few days. Usually caused by the stress of new,dramatic situation that shook the life of the patient. If you suffer from insomnia at a glance, only a few days, certainly you have this type of insomnia.
- Short Term Insomnia
This type of insomnia is somewhat longer in duration than the first type. Between 1 to 3 weeks. For women, insomnia is often experienced when there are hormonalchanges in their bodies. During menstruation, the hormone progesterone has decreased so that the effects of insomnia of this type will arise. Insomnia is alsoexperienced by those who are in stressful jobs. Your bedroom is too light can causeshort term insomnia. This is due to the hormone melatonin produced by the center of the brain disorder.
- Chronic Insomnia
If you have trouble sleeping every day in a month or more, we can be sure you havethe type of chronic insomnia. All activities and your work will necessarily beimpaired. Health of the patient also will drop dramatically.
- Chronic Primary Insomnia
Insomnia occurs when the symptoms that the show does not match the physical andmental condition of the patient.
- Secondary Chronic Insomnia
This condition is experienced by those with depression and emotional disordersand physical disorders. From the data of the study, 10% of adults experienceinsomnia potential of this type.
Insomnia Causes
Insomnia is not a disease but a symptom that has many causes, such as emotionaldisorders, physical disorders and drug use. Trouble sleeping is often the case,either at a young age and old age, and often occur together with emotionaldisorders like anxiety, restlessness, depression or fear. Sometimes a person have trouble sleeping simply because the body and brain is tired.
With increasing age, sleep tends to decrease. Stages of sleep have also changed, with stage 4 becomes shorter and eventually disappear, and at all stages moreawake. These changes, although normal, often makes parents think that they are not getting enough sleep.
Pattern in the early morning wake up more often found in the elderly. Some peoplefall asleep normally but wake up several hours later and it is difficult to fall asleepagain.
Sometimes they sleep in a state of restless sleep and was not satisfied. Woke up at dawn, at any age, is a sign of depression.
People who may have disturbed sleep patterns are reversed sleep rhythm, theirsleep is not the time to sleep and wake up at bedtime. Sleep needs of an average adult is 8 hours per day, and with age will be reduced to 7.5 hours per day. We knowthat there are certain foods that can disturb our sleep. One of which must have beenvery familiar is coffee, which is relied upon to keep us awake at night. Then nicotineis also one reason why we get insomnia at night.
Causes of insomnia include the following:
- Excessive caffeine consumption has been associated with sleep disorders, including insomnia, due to the physiological effects only. Although insomnia can be caused by many other factors such as psychiatric problems,, the stress of drugs or alcohol, lack of exercise, excessive noise or light, and certain physical illnesses, it was found that consumption of caffeine is the most common causes of sleep disorders. Caffeine is known to directly affect renal function and also can cause kidney infections and / or urinary infections. It can also interfere with normal sleep cycle or cause trouble sleeping. You also may have to get up several times at night to empty your bladder which will cause interference with your REM sleep cycle which in turn will make you feel tired when you wake up in the morning. The main drug for this problem is either to reduce / stop your caffeine consumption. Try switching to decaffeinated beverages. It would be better to drink a glass of water before bed for a good kidney function.
- Eating a heavy meal too close to bedtime. Your body needs time to complete the digestion process, and if you eat your evening too close to bedtime you will have trouble sleeping. While the work schedule can sometimes affect these processes, especially those who can work either full-time and part-time work with no rest in between, eating late will surely have a detrimental effect on your ability to fall asleep.
- Bed hungry. This is something that many people are trying to do, especially when they are trying to lose weight, and is one of the worst things you can do to the quality of sleep. Many people read the advice from the stars who say they do not eat after 6 pm and think this is the perfect solution. Instead of trying to sleep hungry and could not sleep, try to have a high-energy snacks. Serotonin is believed to be a natural sleep aid and is present in many chocolate products, you do not have to sacrifice your diet but have a small cup of chocolate pudding sugar free or sugar free hot chocolate.
- Waiting for a new bed as tired as possible. While it seems sensible to wait until you are tired to go to sleep, you are impatient to wait until you're really tired or you'll have trouble sleeping.
- Too much sleep. This classic can be seen if the kids like to sleep during the day, mostly sleepless night. It can also occur in adults. Our bodies need time to rest. If too long we in the rest condition, lash nerve to nerve impulse also begin its slow reaction, so the muscle is also a long response to motor activity. That could explain why sleep even if people kbanyakan malas2an. When the night they had "hot engine" that would like to indulge.
- Smoking. Nicotine in cigarettes is the substance responsible for the occurrence of insomnia in some smokers. Nicotine stimulates the heart beat faster. Faster pulse, because blood flow to the brain is also filled more quickly. Fatigue / sleepiness disappeared. Masi and tubunh considers himself awake / working.
- Inconsistent sleep patterns. For good quality sleep is essential to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day. Many people have a tendency to stay up very late and wake up very late on their days off, this is who disrupt normal sleep patterns.
- Room temperature / body is too hot or too cold. Body temperature varies between individuals between 97.2 - 100F (36.2-37.8C). Environment, what we eat, how we feel and how active we are all factors that also affect our sleep. There are changes in body temperature during the day with the lowest temperature in the morning. The hypothalamus in the brain regulates body temperature and blood sent to the skin and body to sweat when overheated. Being too hot or too cold at night will stimulate the brain, so it makes sense to try and regulate body temperature for sleep soundly at night. Too cold will also affect how easily you fall asleep and sleep quality. Light, warm clothing can help you stay warm and can be switched off the lights if you become too hot.
- Inability to relax after going to bed. Many people bring work problems, or problems everyday when he went to sleep. The problems of living, hard love, the future and regret are often brought to bed. This will make the body feel relaxed and started to sleep comfortably. Should you forget your problems for a moment life can quickly begin to sleep.
- Lack of exercise. While you do not want to do too much close to bedtime, a little light exercise can actually relax you and help you fall asleep. It can be something light as only take ten or fifteen minute walk outside.
How to overcome insomnia
- Regular exercise can help people who have problems with sleep. Exercise should be done in the morning and not a few minutes before bedtime. With exercise, you become a more optimal health so that the body can fight stress that comes with better.
- Sleep in a comfortable environment. At bedtime, turn off the lights, turn off the things that menimbulan sound, make sure you are comfortable with the temperature of your sleeping room. Keep your clock from view because it can make you anxious because they can not sleep while the clock getting late.
- Use your bed for sleeping. This will help your body adjust to the environment in which to sleep. When you lay in bed, then there will be a stimulus for sleep.
- Sleep and wake up in a period of regular time each day. Confused sleep time will disrupt your sleep later.
- Eat snacks that contain fewer carbohydrates before bed, if available, add a glass of warm milk.
- Reduce consumption of drinks are stimulants that keep you awake or as tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. This drink will cause you to wake up, of course, you do not need if you want to sleep.
- Wash with warm water 30 minutes or 1 hour before bedtime. Warm bath will cause sedation or stimulating effects sleep. In addition, warm baths also reduce the quietness of the body.
- Avoid eating and drinking too much before bed. Too much food will cause stomach to be uncomfortable, while drinking too much will cause your back often to urinate.Of course these two conditions will disturb your hibernation.
- Perform regular relaxation activities. Listening to music, practicing breathing, meditation, and others will help slow the processes that occur in the body so your body becomes more relaxed. This situation will mempemudah you to sleep.
- Stop watching TV or reading a book, at least 1 hour before bedtime.
and many helpful tips to overcome insomnia you might get from the experience of friends, family and colleagues to another.
Wrong way to Overcome Insomnia
Without us knowing that there was also the wrong tips to overcome insomnia, while the wrong ways to overcome insomnia is as follows:
- Efficacy of Sleeping Pills Will Believe. Thanks to advertising campaigns, use of sleeping pills soared in recent years. So many sleeping pills do not help the sleep process for polishing only sleeping experience. Instead of drugging oneself in a fake sleep process, it would be better if it recognize and address the issues that make up at night.
- Many Exposed to Light At Night. In order to relax, we usually spend time reading books or watching TV before bed. It feels comfortable, but it causes the eyes are exposed to too much light. Lights at night, especially the blue wavelengths of light, encouraging the body to stay awake and pressing expenses melatonin, a hormone that causes the body to relax and sleep soundly. Use special glasses to filter out blue light wavelengths and boost production of melatonin.
- Consuming Alcohol. Many of us want to fall asleep quickly and mindlessly consume alcohol or other sedative agents. Alcohol awareness is lowered, but did not make the body lose akselerasinya.Ketika alcohol is metabolized during sleep, consciousness will emerge that can suddenly woke up. The best step is to reduce activity in the afternoon and evening.
- Trying Hard To Can Sleep. Believe that the deliberate and even sleep should count for something, such as sheep, to be able to sleep makes the body is maintained. By releasing the intention to sleep, we feel that the process occurs between sleep and wake up with no disadari.Tidak there needs to be done in order to sleep, let it happen.
- Stay At Sleep When It Can Sleep. Many people believe that when he could not sleep, the best action is to stay in bed and rest. This practice usually causes insomnia persists, and increasingly make to stay awake at tidur.Pergilah to bed only when feeling sleepy, get up from bed and relax was when he could not sleep.
- Why search for Can not Sleep. When suddenly awakened in the night, often followed by self-assessment why it happened. Self-assessment will only be able to prevent the body's sleep again. Be assured that wake up at night is normal.
- Eliminate the value of dreams. Too many people believe that dreams are simply the result of sleep. Dreaming is very important for physical health, mental, and long-term memory. Seek knowledge from the dream journal and discuss. Do not give up on a simplified approach to dreams.
- Excessive consume stimulants. Caffeine, energy drinks, and foods that contain high glycemic load are typically used to restore the energy lost due to lack of sleep. Make sure your body get the required hours of sleep. More intelligent use caffeine to help the flow of natural energy, not to rule out the need to sleep.
- Afternoon Sleep All Day. General symptoms as waking at night and are drowsy or sleeping when during the day. Although there is strong evidence supporting the benefits of napping as reducing nighttime sleep, but it can disrupt circadian rhythms.Do not give in to sleepiness during the day, but do not fight it. Sleep during the day only to improve the quality of sleep less.
- Sleep on weekends and holidays. The fun of a holiday weekend and are allowing people to change hours of lost sleep for a week.
Disease Incurred Due to Insomnia
Women who slept less than five hours a night tend to suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to heart problems. When you lack sleep, the production of stress hormones in the body will rise and cause inflammation. The result is increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Obesity
Research has shown that 30% of the time people who sleep less than seven hours each day are those who are overweight. Lack of sleep affects hormones that make the stomach more quickly hungry, so you eat more. "As a result you become drowsy and easy body needs food high in fat and calories as the energy to move," said Jodi A.Mindell, author of No More Sleep deprived.
- Diabetes
They are only able to sleep less than five hours a night are at risk of suffering from diabetes twice, when compared to those who sleep seven to eight hours. According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Lack of sleep also reduces the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels.
- Irritability
Research shows lack of sleep can cause the amygdala (the brain which process emotion) became more active and prefrontal cortex (front part of the brain) become less active. Do not be surprised if the result you would be cranky and irritable. "Lack of sleep makes the brain can not read the experience of emotion and unable to respond rationally," says researcher Matthew Walker, Ph.D.
- Easy to get sick
When we sleep, the body will produce cytokines, chemicals that help boost the immune system to ward off viruses and diseases. "Sleep not only affect the body's ability to fight infections but also determine the extent of the body produced antibodies after immunization," says Mindell. Research shows people who get enough sleep after immunization, the body produce more flu antibodies.
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